8 Dengue Prevention Tips You Should Follow This Monsoon Season

Remember, dengue prevention is a collective effort, and every individual plays a crucial role. Read ahead to know more.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Jul 10, 2023 20:04 IST
8 Dengue Prevention Tips You Should Follow This Monsoon Season

Onlymyhealth Tamil

As the monsoon season sets in, the risk of dengue fever increases. Dengue is a viral illness transmitted by the Aedes mosquito and can lead to severe flu-like symptoms, including high fever, joint pain, and headaches. However, by taking a few preventive measures, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from dengue. 

Dengue Prevention Tips To Follow In Monsoons

Here are some essential tips to follow this monsoon:

1. Eliminate stagnant water

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so it is crucial to remove any potential breeding grounds. Regularly check your surroundings for objects that can collect water, such as old tires, flowerpots, or containers. Empty, clean, or cover them to prevent water accumulation.

2. Use mosquito repellent

Apply mosquito repellent creams, lotions, or sprays on exposed skin to keep mosquitoes at bay. Choose products that contain DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil as active ingredients, as they are most effective in repelling mosquitoes.

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3. Wear protective clothing

When spending time outdoors, particularly during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active, wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks. This physical barrier can reduce the risk of mosquito bites.

Dengue Prevention Tips You Should Follow This Monsoon Season

4. Install window screens

Fit windows and doors with screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. Repair or replace damaged screens to ensure they are intact and provide adequate protection.

5. Keep your surroundings clean

Maintaining cleanliness in and around your living area is essential. Regularly clean gutters, drainages, and water tanks to avoid stagnant water accumulation. Trim bushes and shrubs to reduce mosquito resting spots.

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6. Use mosquito nets

When sleeping, especially in areas with high dengue prevalence, use mosquito nets treated with insecticides. This can provide an additional layer of protection against mosquito bites.

7. Seek medical advice

If you experience persistent fever, severe headache, or any other symptoms associated with dengue, seek medical attention promptly. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage the illness effectively.

8. Community involvement

Promote dengue awareness and prevention measures within your community. Encourage neighbours and friends to follow preventive practices and collaborate with local authorities in mosquito control initiatives.

Remember, dengue prevention is a collective effort, and every individual plays a crucial role. By adopting these simple yet effective measures, you can reduce the risk of dengue and ensure a healthier and safer monsoon season for everyone. Stay vigilant, stay protected!
